How Do I Look?

Colossians 3:17 – “And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.”

I’m surprised, at times, that I’ve seen lawyers who often have an impression that what the jury thinks of them is more important than what they think of their client. In fact, the most effective litigators I’ve known in my life always recognize what the jury thinks of them is important, but not nearly as important as what the jury thinks about their client.

I have read this particular verse several times already this year. Trying to understand why the scripture adds to the statement that we are representatives of Christ, the additional clause that we also should be giving thanksgiving in all that we do, has puzzled me.

I can now recognize it as an attitude of direction about our service as representatives of Christ. As a representative or ambassador, we are true to those who we represent. Our emphasis is to that person. An ambassador does not spend so much time trying to sell themselves as much they are  pointing with constant thanksgiving and honor to those that they serve.


As I think of those pastors and spiritual leaders that have had the most impact in my own life, I don’t think of individuals with large nugget gold jewelry chains or shiny suits.

What I do think of are those who have been genuine in heart. I remember their smile and their eyes much more than the sharpness of their necktie and the shininess of their ring.

Today, remember to look good. But more importantly, be concerned about your eyes and smile. It will be the message that you send to the world around you. In so doing, always recognize that Christ should be shining through those eyes and through those smiles.
Be an ambassador through your heart.

Stay healthy and have a blessed weekend!

~Dean Burnetti 

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