Where Can I Buy Patience and Wisdom?

2 Peter 3:15 – “And remember, our Lord’s patience gives people time to be saved. This is what our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you with the wisdom God gave him.”

Saturday at our house, we had a picnic. All turned out good. We had the boats in the water. We went tubing, Sea Doo riding. Hamburgers, hotdogs, cookies, brownies, and dips. The kids played in the pool and I loved every moment of it.

But out of nowhere, while in the middle of the lake on my pontoon boat, while pulling two of the tubers, something went wrong with the boat. It started to sputter and then it died. I’m pretty good at fixing little things on a vehicle or boat. But my knowledge is limited. Thank goodness I had somebody on the boat that knew something about mechanics on a level that I did not. I had to climb my old body into the back of the engine compartment and start to pump the fuel bowl. Almost immediately, you could see gas leaking from the line connected to the fuel filter.

After someone on the Sea-Doo fetched me a screwdriver, I took my friend’s knife and started to cut away at pieces of the fuel line. Every time I would cut a piece and try to put the fuel filter back on, it would split even more. Finally I said, “I’ve got one last chance to cut a section of this fuel line out and try to put that filter inside the hose.” Believe it or not, I actually said a prayer asking God to please help me and to please bless us with getting the fuel line put back together. Thank the Lord for those who were around me who had the patience and the wisdom to help guide me in what to do!

I am probably one of the more challenged individuals you will meet when it comes to patience. And on some subject matters in life, I am limited in wisdom. But God still is the one who brought those individuals to be with me that day. They’re the ones that came to me with patience and wisdom to help me discover an answer to the issues of that day.

All of us experience the same path. We approach problems and troubles that demand patience and wisdom. We’d like to think that God just will infuse us through the Holy Spirit with wisdom and patience. But so often, what He does is bring us in the path and alongside others who give us the patience and the wisdom that we need. 


No matter if it is from God giving us through the spirit patience and wisdom or causing us to come alongside others who bring these gifts to us, it is still from God.

Later that evening, when all the children were gone and the chips were cleaned off the floor, I thanked Him for what He had done. Because I know everything, even that which comes through other people, is from God.

Today, thank the Lord who is the source of patience and wisdom. He is good.

Stay healthy and have a blessed week!

~Dean Burnetti 

1 thought on “Where Can I Buy Patience and Wisdom?

  1. The real blessing is the helpers on Skidoos willing to run for tools. I have been stuck in the middle of the ocean with out the right tool and no one else around. The Lord gave me patience then and I made it through.


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